Couples who struggle in their sexual relationship often feel unsure of where to begin. Partners often feel very uncomfortable discussing their sexual relationship with one another, and even more so with someone else. One partner may feel like they are to blame for trouble in the couples’ sex life and may feel embarrassed or even ashamed to bring any more attention to the issue. One partner may feel judged or criticized for their sexual expression, and may feel uncomfortable disclosing their desire to their partners.
So what is sex therapy? How does it help?
Sex therapy is a specialty of psychotherapy which addresses issues relating to sex and sexuality. It is a helpful resource to individuals and couples wishing to improve their sexual relationship, emotional intimacy and their relationship with their own bodies.
Sex therapy helps by providing a judgement-free and blame-free, yet value-based environment for processing and understanding your own sexuality, and your sexual relationship with your partner.
Sex therapy helps you to stop blaming yourself and your partner for the issues in your sex life. Approaching the issue from the perspective that each partner brings in their own intra-psychic and intra-personal self into the relationship and together with their partner, co-constructs the sexual dynamic within their relationship, sex therapy helps you to understand that one partner is not to blame for the couples’ sex life.
Utilizing a sex-positive and affirming approach, sex therapy helps you to stop judging your own or your partner’s erotic expression and arousal map.
Sex therapy helps you become aware of the dynamic that has developed between the two of you and identify what is, and what is not working for you both as a couple.
Most importantly, sex therapy helps you to have the type of sexual and emotional relationship that aligns with your values and brings your whole self into the experience.