Relationships Blog

Leanne Jimenez, APC

The Role of Acceptance in Relationships

What is acceptance in a relationship? Acceptance is the underlying receiving and valuing of another person as they are. In a relationship, acceptance is a very critical component to added and building of trust and security. Think about a person in your life that you know will always be there for you, even when you

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Leanne Jimenez, APC

Revive Your Relationship Simply By Learning to Listen

     Relationships are hard. Whether it be a friendship, a working relationship, a dating relationship, a marriage, or a relationship with a family member, a thriving relationship takes a lot of work. Those of you who have been in long term relationships or are parents of adult or teen children probably know this full well.

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Moody autumn day in the Dolomites forest and mountains
Personal Growth
Lana Banegas, LMFT

How Mindfulness Practices Can Positively Impact Your Day to Day

What is Mindfulness Meditation?   Mindfulness can be defined as: paying attention, on purpose, with intention, in the present moment, with loving-kindness and without judgement. Taking a mindful minute, to re-engage with the present moment, and notice your thoughts as they go by, like clouds in the sky, anchoring your attention to the inhale and exhale,

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Holiday family dinner
Personal Growth
Lana Banegas, LMFT

Holidays & Relationship Growth: Eliminating Defensivess

Couples often struggle with conflict resolution in their relationship. This comes up a lot around the holiday season due to increased family pressures, relative visits and time together. It is natural and even important to have conflict, after all, we know that intimacy is developed in conflict (which is, by the way, simply defined as,

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Happy couple making plans for marriage
Nelson Banegas, MDiv, CPC

The Importance of Premarital Counseling

Going on vacation is an exciting adventure! It is a time of relaxation and new experiences, togetherness and connection. However, going on vacation requires some planning; choosing the place you are going, deciding how you are going to get there, how long you are going to stay for, how much you are going to spend,

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Black couple fighting and depressed
Lana Banegas, LMFT

Why the Coronavirus is Making You Sick…of Your Marriage and How to PROTECT your Most Valued Relationship.

The New York Post, Fox News, the Washington Post and other news sources are reporting surges in divorce inquiries in the United States since the outbreak of the coronavirus and the mandate to shelter in place. Divorce rates in China and in Turkey have spiked since the coronavirus induced lockdown and the post trauma of

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