February 13, 2023 Blog

Depressed young black couple sitting on couch and thinking
Jada Foote, LMSW

Is it worth it to communicate your needs to your therapist?

Scenario 1 So It’s session 1 with your therapist, you sit in the waiting room about fifteen minutes before your appointment time. You’re a little nervous, but you know it’s finally time to sort through all your issues. Everyone on TikTok says that therapy is the holy grail of solving your problems, and you’re ready

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Smile, its free therapy. Shot of a happy couple at a therapy session.
Couples Therapy
Lana Banegas, LMFT

Myths about Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is not easy and we often hesitate when we hear it. Generally, there are still many misunderstandings in our culture about the therapeutic environment. I’m hoping to dispel a few common myths & make approaching couples therapy a little less daunting. Myth 1 – Couples therapy is only for folks on the brink

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